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I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes:
While preparing your breakfast
Up to 15 minutes
r/Askreddit What's the Creepiest Display of IQ You've Ever Seen?
r/Askreddit What's Your CRAZIEST Interview Story?
r/Nuclearrevenge I Filled Her House with Poo
r/Offmychest My Dad Died Using an Adult Toy
r/Pettyrevenge I Tricked a Cheating Bully into Failing
r/Prorevenge My Boss Paid Me $100,000 to Do NOTHING
r/Amithedevil My Son is Attracted to His Mom
r/AITA He Gave My Baby a DISGUSTING Gift
r/AITA My Son Beats Me Up
r/Pettyrevenge I Farted On Him
r/Prorevenge Steal My Food? Enjoy MEGA-LAXATIVE!
During your short commute on the bus
Up to 20 minutes
r/Bestof My Sister Wants to Steal My Husband
r/AITA My White Relatives Birthed a Black Baby
r/Pettyrevenge I Got Revenge Against an Angry Boomer
r/Offmychest Sister Drugged Me & Ruined My Life for Fun
r/Relationships My Wife is Sleeping with My Dad
r/Topposts I Wish My Boyfriend Would Kill His Cat
r/Offmychest Husband Assaulted Me While I Gave Birth
r/Relationships My BF's Batman Voice is Driving Me NUTS
r/AITA for Supporting a Murderer?
r/Askreddit How Did Someone Ruin Their Life in 1 Minute?
r/Offmychest My Mother-in-Law Caught Me in a Maid Outfit
r/AITA My Boyfriend Kidnapped My Dog
r/Bestof My In-Laws Carrie'd Me at My Wedding
r/AITA I Gave Such Terrible X-Mas Gifts it Ruined My Marriage
r/Bestof I Accidentally Became a Stalker
r/Pettyrevenge I Squatted the Squatters who Stole My House
r/AITA Girfriend is Mad I Saved Her from Armed Robbers
r/Bestof My Family Sold My House as a Prank
r/TIFU My Mom Got Me Ahegao for Christmas
r/Prorevenge I Destroyed an HOA Scammer's Life
r/AITA Overweight Karen Attacked Me Because I'm Skinny
r/Bestof Hiring FAKE KID! $100/hr
r/Relationships My Mom is 2 Years Older than Me
r/AITA My Husband's Mistress Wants My Child
r/Bestof I Think My Dad is a Cannibal
r/Maliciouscompliance Incompetent Moron VS Military Veteran
r/AITA Family Wants My $2,000,000 Lottery Ticket
r/Topposts I Dated an Actual Psychopath
r/Offmychest My Husband Got My Girlfriend Pregnant
r/AITA Wife Wants to Abandon Our Kids
r/Nuclearrevenge I Filled His Car with Liquid Poo
r/Relationships Boyfriend is FURIOUS I'm Not Lactating
r/Askreddit People Who Killed in Self Defense, What Happened?
r/Prorevenge I Got My Scummy Coworker Arrested
r/Topposts I Poo'd in the Thanksgiving Turkey
r/Traumatizethemback How I Ruined a Karen's Day
r/Bestof My Boyfriend Did Secret Surgery on My Lady Parts
r/AITA My Girlfriend Cheated as a "Prank"
r/Bestof My Hairstylist Steals My Hair and Burns It
r/Nuclearrevenge We Murdered My Father
r/Bestof My Husband is in Love with My Sister
r/AITA My Sibling Wants ALL My Money
r/Offmychest HELP! I'm Being Groomed!
r/Prorevenge I Sent an Evil Landlord to Jail
r/AITA My Father Stole ALL My Money
r/Relationships My Brother's Prank Ruined My Life
r/Askreddit What's a Shocking Secret You Can Expose
r/AITA I Stole My Daughter's College Fund
r/AITA Karen Thinks She Owns My Pool
r/Pettyrevenge I Stole a Kitten from an Abuser
r/Prorevenge I Cost My Dumb Boss $34,000,000
r/Bestof My Wife Met My Girlfriend
r/AITA My Wife is Addicted to Takeout
r/Bestof I'm a YouTube Kid and I Hate My Life
r/Aita My Giant B**bs are Ruining My Life
r/Prorevenge I Made My Bad Boss Pay $200,000
r/Bestof My Dad Thinks He's Dating Jennifer Aniston
r/Maliciouscompliance I Made My Dumb Boss Lose $ MILLIONS $
r/AITA My Girlfriend Set Me Up with a FAKE Therapist
r/Prorevenge BEHOLD! I Am Become Cookie Monster!
r/Amithedevil OOPS! I Slept With My Sister-in-Law
r/Bestof My Wife is Secretly an OnlyF**s Star
r/Askreddit What's Your Best "Hate to Break it To You" Story?
r/Amioverreacting HELP! My Dad Sniffs My Underwear!
r/AITA My Brother is a Predator
r/Bestof My Wife's INSANE Hobby Ruined Everything
r/Offmychest I'm in a 3-Girl Harem
r/Amithedevil I Got Blackmailed By an OF P***star
r/AITA Homophobic Dad Kicked Me Out, Now Wants My House
r/Relationships My Husband Helped a Man Assault Me
r/Bestof I Found Hidden Secret in My House
r/AITA for Refusing to Give Away My Inheritance?
r/Bestof My Dad Stole My Money, so I Ended His Marriage
r/AITA I Broke a Dude's Nose
r/AITA My Son Wants My Winning Lottery Ticket
r/Askreddit What's Your Family's NSFW Scandal?
r/Amithedevil I'm Dating My Own Daughter
r/Aita I Jorked Off a Horse
r/Bestof Cheating Husband Gives Pregnant Wife an STD
r/Maliciouscompliance I Got My Evil Teacher Fired!
r/AITA My Dad Stole $250,000 From Me!
r/AITA My Family Helped My Stalker Attack Me
r/Entitledparents Karen Gets Mad I Saved Her Kid
r/Prorevenge Screw with Me? I'll Ruin Your Life & Career!
r/Askreddit When Have You Seen "F-You Money?"
r/Relationships My Husband Writes Erotica about Dating Kids
r/Prorevenge I Got My EVIL Teacher Fired
r/Offmychest I Killed a Man
r/Amithedevil I Cheated, then my Ex RUINED My Life!
r/Relationships My Idiot Son Killed my Grandkid
r/Bestof My Mom Roleplays as ME in the Bedroom
r/AITA My Husband Almost Murdered Me with His D**k
r/Prorevenge I Ruined My Abusive Dad's Life
r/AITA Oops! I Accidentally Slept with My Friend's Fiancé
r/Bestof Entitled Mom DEMANDS My Salary
r/Amithedevil OOPS! I Accidentally Beat My Girlfriend
r/Prorevenge Veteran VS Entire School District
r/AITA a Teenager Murdered My Mom
r/Askreddit I Get Paid $1,000,000/year to Do Nothing
r/Bestof The Return of Mustard Man
r/AITA My Girlfriend Tried to Murder Us
r/TraumatizeThemBack Spanking a Teenager Backfired
r/Topposts My Boyfriend Knocked Up My Mom
r/Offmychest I'm Divorcing Husband Over His FARTS
r/Amithedevil I named My Baby "Beef Stroganov"
r/Bestof I Shot My Stalker
r/AITA I Slapped a Karen
r/Aita I Want to Adopt a Hot, Blonde, 18 year-old Orphan
r/Offmychest My Husband Gave a Pole Dancer $20,000
r/Bestof Are My Parents Grooming Me?
r/Bestof I Punched a Guy in a Gorilla Suit
r/AITA I Literally Shot My Boyfriend in the Face
r/Amithedevil Is it Wrong to Pimp Out my Niece?
r/Prorevenge I Utterly Destroyed a Cheater's Life
r/Maliciouscompliance Scamming Karen Loses $Thousands$
r/AITA Pregnancy Turned My Wife into a Psychotic Liar
r/Pettyrevenge My Dad Stole My Inheritance
r/Topposts Can I Legally Own a Woman's Uterus?
r/Bestof My Boyfriend Found Out I'm Mega-Rich
r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Tried to Steal My Parking Spot
r/AITA I'm Divorcing My Wife over a Massage?
r/Prorevenge I Took Karen's House From Her!
r/Amioverreacting My Crazy Fiancé Broke My Arm!
r/Offmychest HELP! I'm Trapped in a Cult!
r/AITA A Prank Almost Killed My Daughter
r/Offmychest I Sent My Own Husband to Prison for Life
r/Bestof My Wife's Workout Partner Knocked Her Up
r/AITA I Slept with My Bully on My Wedding Day
r/Maliciouscompliance I Made a Scammer Lose $50,000
r/Prorevenge Steal My Phone? I'll Steal Your Car!
r/AITA My Brother Wants to Be My Pimp
r/Storiesaboutkevin Idiot Thief Gets Himself Arrested
r/Relationships My BF Thinks Girls Shouldn't Vote
r/Amiwrong My Boyfriend Farted on My Dinner
r/Bestof "Sleep With Me If You Want Your Cat Back"
r/Maliciouscompliance How I Tricked My Stupid Boss
r/AITA She Tried to STEAL My Baby!
r/Trueoffmychest My GF Cheated with a YouTuber
r/AITA for Sending My Brother to Jail?
r/Entitledparents "GIVE ME YOUR DOG!"
r/AITA for Stealing a Family Heirloom?
r/Prrorevenge I Cost My Landlord $50,000
r/Relationships Can a 19-yo Girl Date a 45-yo Man?
r/AITA My Dad Hates Me
r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Tried AND FAILED to Fire Me
r/Bestof My Wife Abandoned Our Baby to Die
r/AITA for Abandoning my 9-Months Pregnant Wife?
r/Trueoffmychest My Husband's Cheating with My Best Friend
r/AITA for Mocking a Woman who Miscarried?
r/Bestof My Neighbor KIDNAPPED My Daughter
r/AITA for Stealing My Sister's Inheritance?
r/AITA for Letting My Child Drink Wine?
r/Nuclearrevenge I Watched Him Die
r/AITA My In-Laws Tried to Murder My Dog
r/Trueoffmychest HELP! My Girlfriend's a PSYCHOPATH
r/AITA for Squirting Breastmilk in a Child's Ears?
r/Bestof My Brother Proposed to MY Fiancé
r/AITA for Poisoning My Roommate?
r/Maliciouscompliance "SUE ME!" "lol ok"
r/Trueoffmychest My Evil Niece Destroyed My Marriage
r/Bestof I'm Not the Father... I'm a Woman
r/AITA My In-Laws Nearly Killed My Newborn Daughter
r/Relationships My Husband is Cheating with Multiple Girls
r/Trueoffmychest I Caught My Mom with HER DAD!
r/AITA My Entitled Niece Destroyed My Collectables
r/Maliciouscompliance My Neighbor Tried to Steal My Land
r/Pettyrevenge I Ruined an Angry Old Karen's Life
r/Confessions I Dumped a Baddie Over Her RADIOACTIVE Dumps
r/Bestof My Son Broke His Bully's Nose
r/AITA My Husband has a Secret $100,000 Gambling Debt
r/Tifu A Kid Stole My Lunch, so I Fed Him Carolina Peppers
r/Trueoffmychest Husband Secretly Did Surgery on My Va****
r/Bestof My Husband Wants Me to Regrow My Uterus
r/AITA My Brother Stole My Engagement Ring
r/Maliciouscompliance Don't Work? OK, I Won't!
r/Prorevenge I Ruined My Evil Boss's Career
r/AITA for Giving ALL of My Husband's Money to a Stranger?
r/Pettyrevenge I Ruined a Dumb Karen's Day
r/Relationships My 37-yo Boyfriend LOVES Tween Girls
r/AITA for Stealing a Man's Potatoes?
r/TIFU by Getting Shot in the Eye
r/Bestof I Just Found Out I Have an Adult Daughter
r/Maliciouscompliance I Destroyed a Multi-Million $$$ Company
r/Prorevenge I Broke My Bully's Legs with a Wrench!
r/AITA for Refusing to Give My Sister $250,000?
r/Topposts My Girlfriend Thinks She's a 3-year-old Child
r/AITA for Naming My Baby "Luffy?"
r/Relationships My Ex-Husband Killed My Son's Dog
r/TIFU By Winning the Lottery
r/Trueoffmychest My Uncle Wants to Date Me
r/AITA My Stalker Sister Stole My Life
r/Trueoffmychest My Boyfriend Makes Love to Cows
r/AITA My Karen Wife Called the Cops on a Sweet Old Lady
r/AITA for Sleeping with My Sister's Boyfriend?
r/Maliciouscompliance Take My Phone? It'll Cost You $100,000!
r/Prorevenge I Destroyed a Corrupt Contractor's Business
r/AITA My Wife Wants to Exploit Our Kids on YouTube
r/Choosingbeggars I WANT A FREE HOUSE!
r/Pettyrevenge My Mom Hired Thugs to Beat Up my Bully
r/Pettyrevenge Steal from Me? I'll Steal EVEN MORE from You!
r/TIFU by Eating CUMcake
r/Relationships My Boyfriend Won't Spend $200 to Save My Life
r/AITA My Husband Tried to Kill My Dog
r/Trueoffmychest My Husband Left the Country & Ghosted Me
r/Trueoffmychest "I Cheated on My Pregnant Wife"
r/AITA My Pregnant Daughter Tried to Murder My Cat
r/AITA If I Change My Son's Name, He Will Inherit MILLIONS $$$
r/Maliciouscompliance Late Employees Will Be MURDERED
r/Entitledparents "GIVE ME YOUR NEWBORN!"
r/AITA My White Friend: "Black People Can Only Date Black People"
r/Prorevenge Beat Your Wife? I'll Ruin Your Life!
r/Bestof My Fiancé Left Me at the Altar, Now He Wants Me Back!
r/Trueoffmychest My Wife Cheated on Me, Then Laughed at Me
r/Bestof I Took a 7 Year "Break" From my Husband & Kids
r/Maliciouscompliance Want Me to Quit? OK... BYE!
r/AITA for Keeping My JACKPOT Winning Lottery Ticket?
r/AITA My Mom's Mac & Cheese is a Crime Against Humanity
r/AITA for Refusing to Give My Sisters $37,000?
r/AITA I Locked My Kid Out, and She was Murdered
r/Maliciouscompliance Stupid Bouncer Versus US Marine Corp
r/Entitledparents My In-Laws Are Suing Me for My Business
r/Prorevenge I Made a Jerk Lose $8,000,000
r/Bestof My Wife Wants a "Hall Pass" to Cheat
r/AITA My Friend Outed Me as a P**nstar
r/Pettyrevenge Entitled Karen Expects Me to Feed Her Kid
Perfect for a leisurely stroll in the park
Up to 30 minutes
r/Tifu I Lost My $600,000 Life's Savings Gambling
r/Nuclearrevenge I Murdered Several Men
r/Bestof My Father-in-Law is in Love with Me
r/Relationships Husband Left Me to Die with Rabid Pitbull
r/AITA My Step-Dad Wants to Be My Gynecologist
r/AITA My Fiancé is an Evil Gold Digger
r/Bestof My Wife Stole All Our Money and VANISHED
r/Bestof I Want My Husband to Sleep with My Sister
r/Bestof "I Got a Girl Pregnant by Kissing Her"
r/Bestof My Husband Got His Virgin Coworker Pregnant
r/Bestof "My Fat, Pregnant Wife Doesn't Deserve Food"
r/Trueoffmychest My Wife's Affair Ruined 4 Marriages
r/Maliciouscompliance I Got a Karen Nurse Fired