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Jocko Podcast

Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

While preparing your breakfast to start the day right

Ideal for a short workout

Nice duration for a walk around the neighborhood

480: Learn To Read, Write, And Think.
479: First Troops On The Ground In Afghanistan. With Green Beret Scott Neil
478: Be The Comprehensive Human The Moment Demands. Jason Wilson Pt.2
477: "There's No Freedom In The Facade. With Martial Artist and Mentor, Jason Wilson
475: With Much Wisdom Comes Much Sorrow. The More Knowledge, The More Greif. With Oliver Anthony Music, Chris Lunsford
474: Building More United Communities. With Force Recon Marine, Jake Harriman
473: Achieve The Intent In A Manner Best Fitting Reality. With Codey Gandy
470: Don't Get Caught In The Crossfire in The Information War. With Jeremy Stern.
469: Dangerous Secret Missions. With Army Col (Ret) Bill Reeder.
468: Some Lessons Only Life Can Teach. With Sean Glass.
467: All It Takes Is All You Got. Risking it All For The People. With Chad Robichaux
449: Be Loyal To Your Team, Friends, and Your Dogs. With Jay Kopelman
448: ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Winner Take All. Submission Fighting with Craig Jones.
419: Training, Discipline, and The Battlefield of Life. With Leif Babin.
418: Keep Your Eyes on That Target Because That's Where It's Happening. With Mark Coch "Cochiolo""
417: Put Your Helmet on and Take Some Risks. With Danica Patrick
416: Step Up, Work Hard, Have Fun, and Raise The Bar. With "Lead Bob" Bobby Holland.
415: How to Find Happiness. w/ Arthur C. Brooks.
414: If Your Bear Defeat With Courage and Tenacity, in the End You Will Win. With Tom DeBlass
414: If Your Bare Defeat With Courage and Tenacity, in the End You Will Win. With Tom DeBlass
413: Reach Out. Stay Connected. People Need People. With Frank Larkin
412: How Many Reps Should You Get? With Jason Khalipa.
411: Faith, Family, and Flag, with General James "Mook" Mukoyama
410: Rules Can Aid The Wise, But They Are Snares For The Fool. Navy Principles of War.
409: You're Only Squandering Your Whole Future and All Your Potential
408: "Borderline". Lessons from The "Border". Chasing and Catching Dreams. With Vincent "Rocco" Vargas
407: Never Give UP. Never Quit. Bounce Back. With Travis Mills
405: All on The Field and None in The Tank. Battles, Bullets, and Lessons with Ret. Navy SEAL, Jimmy May.
404: On The Path, Doing the Right Things For The Right Reasons. With Navy SEAL Officer, Sean Glass
403: The Office, Art, Idiocy, and Other Tales. With Actor, Writer, Producer, Rainn Wilson