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Elis James and John Robins

Join terrestrial radio's most unproduceable presenters Elis James and John Robins for big laughs and top quality #content. Hilarious, warm and unashamedly ashamed, let their award-winning chemistry get you over the finish line of the working week.Email: [email protected] #elisandjohn

On your way to work with a smile

During a long commute

#413 - Generation Graze, A Chunk Funk and Rustle Click Munch Ting Ting
#409 - The Double Ian, Everyone’s Sacked and John Goes In On Shoes
#404 - #PlasticJack, Lou Sanders and You Can Only Push The Listeners So Far
#403 - The Dread Brothers, Great Flanks and The CEO of My Own Mind
#401 - Direct Dust, The Pint Control Board and …with John Robins
#399 - The Second Petard, Pad Thai for Breakfast and 11 Reasons to be Cheerful
#396 - Britain’s Sexiest Tattoo, Fallible Sounds, and Content Doesn’t Stop For Christmas
#391 - Egg on Cord, Perpetual Tennis and A Very Successful Brown Owl
#390 - Annsbie, We Lube Up and The Hypothetical Widow Tour 2025
#386 - Daft Brian, Going Gallagher and The Phillips Head Bat Signal
#384 - Pretty Podcast Boys, Short Tempered Cyborgs and All Time is Wasted Time
#382 - Spooooky Intimate Bum Procedures, Perfect BBC Noise and Same Postcode Different Houses
#377 - Dropped In The Riff Tank, Two Dads (Not Gay) and Ania Magliano
#371 - 3 Features & the Truth, Get It Done and Welsh Rarebit: Grilled by Elis James
#363 - Accepting Sap, Backing Bellingham and This is How You Use Noel
#352 - Marl, A Digital Bum Examination and Taking 2 Weeks Off Jalapeños
#342 - Great Articles Going Unwritten, The Scottish Experience and Good & Long
#340 - Bog Body Ready, Long Haul Phaal and Nish Kumar
#338 - Task Masters, Blue Moon Peter and Beginner’s Luck: The Adrian Chiles Story
#335 - Cursed FC, The Peter Clause and The Tide On Your Nethers
#334 - Fish Finger Frenzy, Piña Colada Eggs and a Daveless Space
#326 - Chiles Parsnips, Elis St. John, and Superfruit Cigs
#322 - Specs Appeal, Virgil van Dave, and Toilets At Dench
#312 - Swansea Spielberg, Mooning Armada and a Stain on Global Culture

While gardening with focus

#417 - Sun on the Cheeks, The Nadir of the Mullet and Squatting in a Poltergeist’s World
#416 - That’s Massive For Me, The English Enigma and Wales Today
#415 - This Is Your Stand Up Life: John Robins
#414 - Yesterday’s Bone, Book Humour and The Coalface We Call Prose
#412 - John’s Pensionversary, Riffing on Togetherness and There Will Always Be More Steves
#411 - Hayley They’ve Dropped!!, #PoorBloke and A Civil Servant For Love
#407 - Boring Moons, Germans Don’t WhatsApp and Grind, Block & Jumpy
#406 - Callipound, A4 Ravioli and Our New Coal
#405 - My Integrity, A Million Pounds and Why Can’t We All Just Be Clerks?
#398 - The Best of The Great Reset
Elis and John's Christmas Cracker
#393 - High Budget Dreams, Smacks of Mellor and That Fried Tuesday Feeling
#392 - Not Letting Down 750 GPs, The Jet2 Prerogative and Sophie Duker
#389 - Big Leg, The Cymdown Connection and Plugged Into His Router Just For You
#388 - Let’s Lavender, Sounds Like My Love Life and Celya AB
#387 - Neil’s Crane Company, Paid In Chinese and Lightning In A Handbag
#385 - Yards From Davie, Calippos Wouldn’t Melt and The World’s Wealthiest Cat
#383 - Ballon D’Arts, Banter Zone Jet Lag and The Enema Within
#381 - Your Main Crem, A Talentless Forsyth and The Great Traybake Swindle
#380 - Lord VPN, Bullied On The Boundary and Stansbie
#379 - Bishop Gore Blanks, Forwarded Many Times x, and There Is An ‘I’ In Lazio
#378 - Wacko Lacto, Gatwick Fresh and Falling Into a Big Ditch
#376 - Skeggsy, Deggsy and £360 Cash
#374 - Dust or Leaves, A Tight Three Seconds and Humour! Humour! Humour!
#373 - Street Juice, The Cymru Cul-de-sac and 10 Sketches About Soup
#372 - My Little Lover, The ABBA Gold Approach and Cuffed by the Vice Squad
#370 - Bran Time, Sky Blue Limos and Fellowship on the Ring Road
#368 - A Hot Lung, Busking Medieval English, and The Importance of News (On the Hour, Every Hour) on Student Radio
#367 - Marie’s Tethered, Grown Men and Oh Really Fennel?!
#366 - The Dance
#364 - Like It Or Lump It, Moon Faced Boys and Greg James’ Dark Underbelly
#360 - Yesby, Classic Gag Churners, and The Big Storm Before the Bigger Storm
#358 - Jimmy Grief
#357 - A Podium Place for Thought, Désolé the Devolved Discuss and A Big Baguette that’s Uniting the World
#356 - Look Into It Dave, Curtis Coitus and HS Number 2
#355 - Fillet, Sirloin and Rump
#354 - A 5 Minute Curry, 10,000 Johnsons and A ULEZ Compliant Wedding
#351 - Six Figure Per Month Thickos, The Cymru Connection and Let Him Do His Cow
#350 - Smoked Milk, Wimbers and Let It Beeb Sounds
#347 - The Great Absolver, Winton’s Well and A Google Docs Kinda Guy
#346 - £1 Nights Out, Vaping More Than Breathing and Walking Dion Broken Glass
#345 - Burdening Burden, The Ultimate Head and A Dizzy at Tebay
#341 - Calippolitical, Italia ’90 Games and Eating Bao Buns in Complete Silence
#339 - Crisp 147s, The Dave Farce and Miss Havisham's Warzone
#337 - Project Balance, The State of Pitta Breads and Non-Sexual Condensation Writing
#336 - Tuffers’ Glow, Buffet Behaviour and Babes In The Mauve Interior
#330 - Sleepy Elis, A Corporate Shill for Big Thick and David Gandy
#329 - Sacked for Sadness, Hated for Content, and A Steady Hand on the Tiller of Love
#328 - The Golden Age of Whaling, Five Whimsical Bananas, and A Robin and A Swift
#327 - Tim’s Rumpus Room, Pork Chop Calves and Buckinghamshire Living
#324 - Blancmange Bullying, The Custard Slice Scene, and Run to Win and Hate Yourself
#321 - Psychic Cats, Second Rate Roses and Out of Riff Ammo
#320 - The Testosterone Twins, Three Shirt Robins and Restless Irritable Discontented
#316 - Terrace Fashion Week, Too Much Pastry and Stopping At Heston
#315 - The Tap Scene, Spanish Deception and Cheaper Derby
#314 - King Kia, Three Course Curry and Cow Pat PR
#310 - Didgeridinners, Our Oprah and Telford Is A Tear Duct
#307 - Pleasure Parity, Content Camaraderie and A Thumbless Month

On a cross-country roadtrip

#410 - Nepo Connectors, Keir Today John Tomorrow and Richard Herring
#408 - Project 2032, Red Peppards and Britain Is Typing…
#400 - Builth Wells Problems, xC and John Got A Speaker
#397 - The Sun Lounger Statute, Wednesday Ringo Regret, and I Can’t Go Till February
#375 - Gravel Man, My Sex Club Year and Space Cop Heart Rates
#369 - All Beauty, A Sexier Welshman and David O’Doherditty
#365 - Big Fat Tears, My Thumb’s In France and Phil Wang
#359 - Puppet Paul, Mindful Diarrhoea and Doing the M6 for Comic Relief
#353 - Symphonic Bowels, Dry Cardboard Chips and A Better Listener than Henry VIII
#343 - Baff, Mooch Ma Mooch and Higs Higs Higs Higs Higs
#333 - Fine For Bride, So Many Reasons and If You Come For The Queen You Best Not Miss
#331 - Five Star Bums, Tax Over Taylor and Too Punctual For Love
#325 - Taut John, Cake In Your Wallet and Joanne McNally
#323 - Fleet McWrap, Handsome Turf and George Kink Lads Only
#319 - Baddies on the Beach, 5 Live At 30 and Thank God for Zabaleta
#317 - Tasting Collapse, Ken Coe and James Hoffmann
#313 - Weaving Willow, Vague Cawl and Soft Play VAR
#311 - Bonce Funk, Improving Esperanto and The Audio Foyer
#309 - Condo Cheese, Stepdad Energy and Psychic Hangovers
#308 - The Double Ds, O'Doherty Ditties and A Lesson In Jingles
#305 - Anxious Orange, Alpha Max Force and A Tartt Tip-Off
#304 - Elis James and John Robins: The Best of 2023
#303 - Robbyns Resolutions, Secret Scents and Chaff Tuesday
#302 - Sounds & Sons, David D. Craddock and Two Sides of the Groin
#301 - Going Grain, Hannon Handshakes and Peak Bleak
#300 - Digital Decades, Comedic Offbeatsman and Basic Podcast Strategy
#299 - Pylon Following, 50 Under 50 and Lou’s Big Birthday
#298 - Tahini Trouble, Jivo Graham and Ruddy Angry
#297 - Sexy Snails, Retired Waistcoats and Ice Cream Calamity
#296 - PDF Radio, Tourbasco and A Bag of Prawns
#295 - Badmin, Comedy Tapas and Making Uncertain Memories
#294 - Derbyshire Disrespect, Fruity Boy & Veg Head and Vibing On Ice
#293 - The Darkness of Dave, Hoi Polloi and Jacqueline Wilson (A)
#292 - Smelting Success, Powerful Honey and The Arena of Worry
#290 - Giftshop Gripes, D-Reamits and We Go To Tunbridge Wells
#289 - Primary Porkies, Theatre Thickos and Fun In The Fens
#288 - Auction Action, DI Dre and Thought Knox